Tea Gudek Šnajdar
Founder of the project, head editor and author. Born on August 7, 1986 in Zagreb (Croatia). Completed Undergraduate study of History and Art history at Faculty of Arts and Science in Rijeka. Graduated Art history at Faculty of Arts and Science in Zagreb. Interested in Medieval art topics, especially profane and defensive architecture. Her articles are published in several scientific and popular magazines. Tea is also running travel/culture blog culturetourist.com.
e-mail → tgudek@medievalwall.com

Marin Mikloška
Article writer and associate of Medieval Wall. Born on July 19, 1987 in Rijeka (Croatia). Completed Undergraduate study of History at Juraj Dobrila University of Pula. Interested in Medieval topics, especially focusing on Croatian early Middle Ages.
e-mail → marin.mikloska@medievalwall.com

Marijan Nikić
Translates, edits and corrects articles in English. Born in Zagreb on April 26, 1984. Completed a Graduate Diploma at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing in Zagreb. He shows affinity to languages at early age, and he has been translating texts, literature and official documents from Croatian to English and vice versa since high school, under the mentoring of his former teacher, a court interpreter for English language.

Marijan Šnajdar
Co founder of website, responsible for design, maintenance and technical support. Born on May 11, 1983 in Rijeka (Croatia). Completed Undergraduate study of IT design at Polytechnic of Zagreb. Currently working as UX designer with Booking.com in Amsterdam, NL.
e-mail → marijan@web-craftsman.com
web → web-craftsman.com
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