Medieval Wall

Feb 08 2013

Categories: Nations

The Age of Duke Trpimir


In the middle of the 9th century Frankish and Byzantine Empire are going through a period of crisis and internal conflicts which allowed the rulers of nearby countries under their influence to take steps towards higher degree of independence. With help of Roman Catholic Church, this weakness of regional medieval superpowers made it possible for the Croatian duke Trpimir to utilized them for straightening his own ruling over the lands he was in charge in. More about Trpimir and his reign is presented in lines that follows, which are part of series: The Trpimirović Dynasty of Croatian Rulers.

Feb 06 2013

Categories: Nations

From the Arrival and Settling of Croats to Trpimir Ascending to the Throne


Croatian ruling dynasty of Trpimirović beside short periods of time when they were not in power, governed Croatia and impacted the lives of its occupants for more then a quarter of a millennium.

Mar 08 2012

Categories: Architecture

Veliki Tabor


Veliki Tabor is one of the best preserved medieval castles in Croatia. It is located in region of Hrvatsko zagorje, known for many aristocratic castles. After receantly finished conservation it shined with new glow and again became a very popular destination.

Nov 12 2011

Categories: Architecture

Medieval Ilok Fortress


The easternmost settlement in Croatia, small Slavonian town Ilok, is a place of rich history and cultural heritage. The monumental remains of medieval Ilok fortification, among other, witness of this. Apart from sumptuous and quality construction, in accordance to contemporary European artistic streams, it also reveals facts about its owners. The most notable of them was Nikola Iločki, after whom Ilok is rightfully called a royal town.