Medieval Wall

Posts tagged with "fortresses"

Mar 13 2013

Categories: Architecture

Medieval Castles


Medieval fortifications are probably one of the most recognizable symbols of this period. Apart from defensive, they also had a residential purpose, thus, they often contain shapes that combine those two functionalities. Unfortunately, those preserved until today represent only a small portion of their original number.

Mar 08 2012

Categories: Architecture

Veliki Tabor


Veliki Tabor is one of the best preserved medieval castles in Croatia. It is located in region of Hrvatsko zagorje, known for many aristocratic castles. After receantly finished conservation it shined with new glow and again became a very popular destination.

Nov 12 2011

Categories: Architecture

Medieval Ilok Fortress


The easternmost settlement in Croatia, small Slavonian town Ilok, is a place of rich history and cultural heritage. The monumental remains of medieval Ilok fortification, among other, witness of this. Apart from sumptuous and quality construction, in accordance to contemporary European artistic streams, it also reveals facts about its owners. The most notable of them was Nikola Iločki, after whom Ilok is rightfully called a royal town.

Mar 21 2010

Categories: Architecture

Fortress Medvedgrad


Medvedgrad fortress is located on the southern hillside of Mount Medvednica. It can be seen from nearly every part of Zagreb and its surroundings. Although nowadays rather poorly explored, it is one of the most interesting medieval monuments in Zagreb region.